dr. Letizi Harald C. , biodynamic advisor’s profile and some professional experiences peer reviewed by two other biodynamic advisors (see link at the bottom) -End of the professional services as biodynamic advisor on 31 December 2023. No more biodynamic advisory work is done.

Spoken languages

English, Italian

Contact information

Ag. Spyridonos, Epanomi 57500 (Thessaloniki), Greece

E-Mail: harald@biosporos.gr

Phone: +30 6979221718 (viber)
Webpage: www.organicgarden.gr

Linkedin page


Active membership of biodynamic organizations

Founder member of the Greek “Association of biodynamic agriculture, livestock breeding for DEMETER quality” (Σύλλογος βιοδυναμικής γεωργίας, κτηνοτροφίας για ποιότητα DEMETER) since 2008.

Fields of work

years 2018-2023 – End of the advisory services in matters of biodynamic agriculture and Demeter on 31 December 2023 – Field crops, Fruit growing, Silviculture, Tree nursery, Vegetable Growing, Viticulture, Olive cultivation, Beekeeping, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, Plant breeding, Biodynamic Preparations, Plant protection
nursery, organic fertilizers legislation, organic seed varieties characteristics, botany, truffle cultivation Methodology

Individual consulting, Group consulting, Coaching, Project management, Supervision, Education, Training, Project development

innovation, research, field evaluation

Advisory Concept – years 2018-2023 – End of the advisory services in matters of biodynamic agriculture and Demeter on 31 December 2023 –

The farmer is the center of the farm. We need to train the farmer to make the better conversion of the farm, in the specific conditions of the farm. Projects

Foundation member of the Greek biodynamic association ( “Σύλλογος Προώθησης της Βιοδυναμικής Γεωργίας για την Παραγωγή Προϊόντων Ποιότητας DEMETER”), contributor for the activation of Demeter control in Greece by local certification bodies (Bio Hellas, 2007, Cosmocert, 2018). References

involved in organic agriculture as farmer since 1994, involved in biodynamic agriculture since 1996, member of the “association for the biodynamic agriculture”, section of Marche Region, (Italy, 1996-2000) , inspector for Demeter Italia (1998-2006) as agronomist, researcher in project about organic orchards in Marche Region (University of Ancona, 1997-2000), teacher of sustainable agriculture in farmer’s seminars (for Coldiretti, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, etc., 1997-1999), teacher of organic agriculture in project at 5′ High school of Volos (Greece, 2005, in Greek), consultant for organic agriculture farmers in Marche Region (Italy, 2001-2007), owner of firm Biosporos since 2003 (actually in Thessaloniki, Greece, focused on organic seeds distribution, organic fertilizers research and distribution, agricultural supplies), consultant for companies and farmers, writer in Greek professional magazines since 2006, biodynamic advisor in Greece since 2017. I have practical experience in advisory services and/or biodynamic agriculture in the following countries

Greece, Italy,


member of the Italian roll of agronomists since 2001, member of Greek roll of agronomists (GEOTEE) since 2003.

Owner and manager of the firm Biosporos since 2003, with licenses on fertilizers and seeds distribution from Greek Ministry. Biosporos distribute a wide range of organic seeds (more than 200 varieties of vegetables, herbs, forage, cereals, etc.).

Author of articles on organic and biodynamic agriculture in Greek magazines (Elaioparagogi and Oinoparagogi, ed. Evripos press, Athens) Good agricultural knowledge of Greek and Italian territory.

International biodynamic advisor, recognized by Demeter International (Germany) and Goetheanum institute (Switzerland) since 2017.

(see link here about peer review as biodynamic advisor)

Articles , research, examples of advisory

Letizi H. C., 1999 – “Le aziende tartuficole marchigiane: aspetti coltivativi, produttivi, evolutivi.” Fifth International Congress on Truffle, 4th and 5th of March, Aix en Provence, France, in Proceeding
Letizi H. C. 1999 – “Esperienze di insegnamento sulla biologia, ecologia e coltivazione del tartufo nella regione Molise e la locale politica tartuficola” , Fifth International Congress on Truffle, 4th and 5th of March, Aix en Provence, France, in Proceeding.
Letizi H. C., Marchetti A., Rinaldini E. 1999 – “Il contributo dell’Associazione Nazionale Conduttori Tartufaie (A.C.T.) di Acqualagna (PS) allo sviluppo della tartuficoltura” , Fifth International Congress on Truffle, 4th and 5th of March, Aix en Provence, France, in Proceeding.
Letizi H. C., Neri D., Zucconi F., 1998 – “Factors regulating T. melanosporum Vitt. cultivation” in ICOM2 (Second International Conference on Mycorrhiza) Uppsala, Sveden, 5-11/7/98. Proceeding on internet: http://www-icom2.slu.se
Zucconi F., Letizi H. C., 1998 – “Ecophysiology of T. melanosporum Vitt., and impact of allelopathies on duration of productive sites” in ICOM2 (Second International Conference on Mycorrhiza) Uppsala, Sveden, 5-11/7/98. Proceeding on internet: http://www-icom2.slu.se
Neri D.,Letizi H. C., Zucconi F., 1998 – “Contributo della sostanza organica nelle colture biologiche collinari”, (Organic matter use in horticultural production) in Agrobiofrut, Cesena 7-10/5/1998
Letizi H. C., Neri D., Zucconi F., 1998 – “Analisi floristica in frutteti di melo e drupacee”, (Herbaceus species living in organic fruit fields) in Agrobiofrut, Cesena 7-10/5/1998
Muthuchelian K., Letizi H. C., 1997 – “Neem: un albero multiuso” (Neem: a multipurpose tree) Agricoltura Biologica, Ed. Ersam Friuli, 12/97, 72-74,79.
Letizi H. C., 1997 – “Ecologia della tartufaia” (Ecology of truffle site) master graduation thesis as “dottore in scienze agrarie” (doctor in agricultural sciensces), University of Ancona, Submitted to Prof. Franco Zucconi, and PhD. Davide Neri, 138 p.

1998 – Letizi H.C. – “EFFETTO DI SOSTANZE FITOERGONICHE SU PIANTE MICROPROPAGATE IN FASE DI AMBIENTAMENTO” – research project managed at University of Ancona (department of energetic) and professional “in vitro” nursery plant company.

2001 – Bonanomi, G. , Zucconi F. , Letizi H.C. – “Dinamica dell’inerbimento naturale in un frutteto della zona interna marchigiana” (Dynamic of the natural grass-mulch in a orchard of the internal Marche area), proceedings at “giornate scientifiche SOI “(Societa’ di Orticoltura Italiana/Italian society of orticulture). Partial results of a 2 years program of research on organic agriculture in a Marche’s organic farm managed by dr. Letizi H.C. and department of energetic, Universita’ di Ancona, Italy.

2002 – Letizi H.C. – “example of consultancy on 2002 in organic farm in Pesaro area Italy” , cultivation project for organic farm in the area of Pesaro, Italy, in conformity to the local “programma di sviluppo rurale” (program for the rural development) of Marche Region, Italy.

2003 – Letizi H.C. – “studio sui cicli degli elementi nutritivi – study on cycles of the nutritive elements” , a study made as supporting research to show how is possible to cultivate crops without any “input” from fertilizers.

2004 -Letizi H.C. , Strati G. – “Vegetal nutrition and fertilization: a new approach with organic fertilizers Eutrofit and Orgazot, with special focus on nitrogen use and activity” – a study and research performed for the company “Stradi Renzo srl” Italy.

2004 – Letizi H.C. – “Experiments on tomato crop in Morocco with Eutrofit”, elaboration and evaluation of the experiments on foliar application of the organic fertilizer “Eutrofit” done on 1998 on tomato crop. Study and research performed for the company “Stradi Renzo srl” Italy.

2004 – Letizi H.C. – “Τοξωτό κλάδεμα ελιάς ” (Arched pruning of olive tree) , a new pruning system developed by Letizi H.C. as physiology experiment on olive tree , “Elaioparagogi” magazine, Euripos press 2004, Athens, in Greek language

2006 - Forme di allevamento dell’olivo in Italia (Κλάδεμα και διαχείριση του ελαιώνα στην Ιταλία) -   D. NERI , LODOLINI E.M, SAVINI G, GIORGI V, LETIZI H.C. - Ed. Euripos, "Elaioparagogi" magazine, Euripos press 2006, Athens, in Greek language

2009 – Letizi H.C. – “Βιοδυναμική αμπελουργία ” (Biodynamic vineyard management ) , “Elaioparagogi” magazine, Euripos press 2009, Athens, in Greek language